

Friday, December 7, 2012

Interview of John! Send Your Questions

Ok, now is your chance.. all you subs out there!  I've had a couple of people who are interested in Sir John's perspectives of life with the Hayse girls, my writing and the amount we share with the world.  Now is your chance!
Send me your questions and I'll put them together for an interview with your favorite Dom.  Anything goes, ok?  All I have to do is bribe him with some Creme Brulee or Tiramisu and the interview is ours. So start popping the questions and let's plan on a reveal in about a week!!

GOOD NEWS!  Two by Day-Three By Night is with the editors and up for publishing! Yeah! I can't wait to hear your feedback on this piece.  I'm also working on The Reformer-- a 1906 Age-play novel with some unusual twists and turns, as status quo! LOL!

Love to All of You!


  1. Dear Sir, how do you bring yourself to discipline Nikki? She seems like such a sweet girl, I would think you would find it difficult to be stern with her. How do you do it?

  2. Can we ask the questions here or must we email them?

    1. You can either put them here or email to Bre or myself Squirrel. :)

  3. I had a whole slew of questions that I emailed so hopefully it made it saftley to you. But I have been having email issues and nothing in my sent folder so to be safe i thought I would ask the questions on here. But I seem to be questionless? Hopeflluy you got my email much better thoguht out. Apoligize in advance.

    -How did you become or learn or train to be a Dom?

    -Do you mentor other Dom or subs?

    -DO you have other subs? (you should start a school on how to properly motivate subs I think could be very useful).

    -What made you think Bree or Niki were subs when you met them?

    -How much is seen in your day to day life on how things work in twerms of the lifestyle?

    -If you had children how would this change the Dom/sub interaction in your home?

    -I read that you had a long relationship with Bree training her prior to having an intmate relationship. Why was that? DId you know that woudl evntually lead to marriage?

    -ANy recomdations for subs looking to learn and also what to look for in a Dom.

    How have things changed since ading Nikki to your family?

    Ok not a good flow but thanks for letting me ask!
