

Thursday, October 18, 2012

So Mad!!!

I am so angry right now. I have been under so much stress with school. I am in my senior year of nursing school. It is so much stress. So last semester I started smoking. Just a little bit. Like a cigarette a day. And Bre found out today and ratted me out. I don't know why she couldn't just leave it be. It isn't that many. Maybe a pack a week. Its not that big of a deal. It helps me relax. Many of my classmates smoke a cigarette at break. I smoke one on the way to school, on the way home and during break. Thats about it. Why did she have to tell on me?


  1. Ut oh- I know where this is going and it isn't good.... I remember having a conversatuin about this with you and her.

    I hope it goes better for you than we both know it will.

  2. Ok, so the reality is, Bre told on me out of care and concern. I know smoking is dumb. I should not do it. I appreciate that she is the only one in my life that cares enough to call me on it. I need to stop before it is a major problem. Smoking is just dumb. Especially knowing about family history regarding it. I need to face the music, quit, and move on. Im sorry Bre. Im sorry Daddy. Please forgive me.

  3. Aw, sorry Nikki. Good for you for realizing that it's not in your best interest and that Bre and John just care about you! hugs.
